Life is a journey of crests and troughs and along with these ups and downs accompanies what is called disappointments and expectations. It is simply stated as when expectations are not met, disappointment makes it way through one’s life and it does make sense- the grief, emptiness that you feel when things don’t go the way expected.
But as growing individuals, what one needs to understand is that disappointment can be a blessing in disguise. It often leads us to something better than what we had originally hoped for. Being patient and waiting for the right time to come is what we is popularly known the way of it.
As for students, disappointments may take the shape of not scoring well or not being able to pursue a science project they always wanted to. As college students, disappointments might come in the face of losing internships and placement opportunities and as working individuals disappointments might come as a way of not completing works according to the deadlines, the list of it is never ending.
Below are listed some effective ways of paving your way out of it to get better outputs-
- Acknowledgement and acceptance- Finding a problem, getting to the root cause of it and then analysing it is the key to acknowledging and accepting where did one go wrong and what could have been the better alternatives to the same situation, not as much as overthinking.
- Learning from the past- Very essentially stated as “learn from your mistakes” because that is how you evolve as a person, if you’re not learning and finding ways to improve on what you did, you as a person are stagnant which is no way is a path to progress. So understanding where you went wrong and then working on it is a methodology to guide you.
- Focussing on a progressive mindset- “ To err is human” and it is absolutely normal to commit mistakes and have takeaways from the same with a vision of learning some new experiences and taking home lessons which matures you into a better human and a working/studying individual
- Seeking support- To confide in people you trust for help in times of need. We, as humans require co-existential support to survive. It is nearly impossible to not talk about disappointments and let them heal without any support. So seeking help and support from people like family and peers can catalyse the healing process many folds.
Concluding this with the thought of taking disappointments as areas of personal growth in terms of resilience and patience and not as events that degrade your morale for things that are better made for you.