Revision Batch Book

How To Make Studying Easy And Fun

I remember I had a friend in class XI. He was the topper of the class. One day after the results of the exams were declared, out of curiosity, I went up to him and asked, ‘How do you get so good marks? Like . . . you always secure the first place in the class. How do you even do it?’

I still remember his reply, ‘Because I love it, man.’ He had said with a smile. ‘I love what I study. I love the equations of chemistry. I love solving problems in maths. I love calculating the speed of a car. I love studying. I guess that’s the secret.’ 

Can studying ever be fun? The more I pondered over this thought, the closer I moved to the answer – Yes! It’s possible. All the geniuses of this world had one thing in common – they loved their work.

If you love your work, if you enjoy it, you’re already a success.” 

 So, how do we do it? How do we make studying fun? Well, here are some techniques that you can use to make studying fun! Trust me, studying is actually easy and fun!

Make neat notes and use sticky notes and colourful highlighters/pens

My father used to tell me when I was young that your notes should be so neat and beautiful, that when you look at them, some part of your mind should tell you, ‘Wow! It’s so beautiful. I want to study.’ 

If your notes look attractive and colourful, then automatically your mood will become light and studying will seem easy and fun. Making good and jolly notes will also show the dedication that you have towards studying. And also, using different colours for notes helps you to memorise things more easily. For instance, I used to highlight important dates with only a green highlighter, so whenever I used to see the colour green, I knew that it’s an important date.

Let your creativity bloom out and make your notes lovely and beautiful!

Watch YouTube videos/documentaries about the topics you are studying

Watching YouTube videos/documentaries about the topics that you are studying is a great way to arouse your interest. But, hey! Remember that this technique is only for the time when you have some free time. 

For example, let’s say that you are studying about global warming. There are many environmentalists who have raised their voice on this issue. You can easily get access to such environmentalists (like David Attenborough) through YouTube channels like The Guardian or BBC

Watching these speeches/documentaries about global warming will make you thrilled to learn more and you will study with greater interest.

Read your textbooks like a story book

When you are reading your textbooks, be it history, physics, political science, or any other book, treat it like it’s a story book. Almost all the books are filled with stories. If you pay close attention, then you’ll realize that even your chemistry book is filled with stories! Remember the theories about the structure of atom? The whole history of research about atoms is told as a story! 

See, I had told you that studying is fun! If you love your craft, then nobody can stop you from succeeding. Do what you love and love what you do. When you study, don’t just study for marks. Study like you are an expert in the field. Study with curiosity and ask questions. Asking questions always makes studying interesting.

And that was the secret to success.

Sharanya Ramesh

2 weeks ago

This Was Really Helpful 👏 THANK YOU, DAKSH! You're Doing Awesome & I Am Always There To Support You!! Imma Definitely Use These Helpful Tips For The Upcoming Cia's XD :))

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