Revision Batch Book

Let Us Learn About The Cognitive Development Of A Child

Cognitive development is about the changes in the mind of the children, it is the way of how you think, explore and figure things out. It is the development of knowledge, skills and problem solving. The growth in a child happens differently from ages 6 to 12 and from ages 12 to 18. This is the crucial period of life where parents have to handle things according to the behaviour and mindset of a child. A child in early adolescence uses more complex thinking focused on personal decision making in school and at home. They try to use their basic knowledge while they do any kind of work such as formal logical operations in schoolwork. When they grow, they started understanding what is happening around the world by questioning the authority and society’s standards. They started giving the reasoning of all logical topics which helps them to create a point of view on it and it eventually help them in their development phase of their growing personality. When a child is in their middle adolescence period, he/she gain experience in using more complex thinking processes. When they started having grip on important topics, they often analyse and question more extensively. Children think about and begin to develop own identity for example, who am I? A child in late adolescence uses complex thinking to focus on less self-centred concepts and personal decision making. Processing speed improves sharply between ages five and middle adolescence, levels off around age 15 and does not appear to change between late adolescence and adulthood. The holistic grooming of a child is linked to the Emotional Quotient. A child’s attachment to his or her parents and emotional security have a direct impact on cognitive performance. This is why parental support is absolutely essential for the proper cognitive development of a child. The several studies are able to prove that children tend to do better academically and socially when parents are more involved and more engaged. The family engagement is more positively linked to the children’s outcome in preschool, kindergarten, elementary and even high school. Parents are the only one who live with the child most of the time of the day so it is their duty to understand how they can assure the cognitive growth of a child with respect to the time where there is high-end competition in almost everything. Positive parenting also affects their responses and helps them grow up to be better humans. Interaction and stimulation are very important in the early years. It is all about recognizing the problems, handling all situations well and picking up the traits of discipline, time management and effective problem-solving through simple routines at home. Research into cognitive development has shown us that minds don’t just form according to the unfirm blueprint or innate intellect, but through a combination of influencing factors. For instance, if we want our kids to have a strong grasp of language, we could concentrate on phonemic awareness early on.

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