Revision Batch Book

People Perception & Us

There was a time when I used to feel not good enough and comfortable in front of every other person who were present around me, I used to be quiet and silent even to the person who were close to me. As time passed and I started exploring the people, places, and things around me I realized that I am not the only person with such extraordinary characteristics but there are many more people around me who are just like me the reason why I never saw them was probably my choice to never chin-up my head to see the people around me and, not just that but there are many people who are in even worse condition than me but still smiling with the people around them. and enjoying their life with their close ones in their best possible way. I always had a feeling and fear inside me that the people who are with me don’t really belong to me and if they are staying with me then they must have some work from me or want a favour from me and that’s the reason why I never tried to make a lot of efforts in any kind of relationship with anyone. But now as I have passed out my school life and will pass my college life in less than a couple of years I have realized that people are like this only and not everyone is same also you can make a perception about one person based on your first meeting or impression that the person standing in front of you must be really cold or sweet but such image and perceptions can change within a fraction of seconds. People are more of like onion what first impression tells you is just their outer covering that they develop according to the conditions they are living in but as you talk with them and try to know them a little more you get to know their real self, some people may look cold and cruel kind of person but they have the most tender heart and a kind of person you can never forget about. but then, there could be kind of person looking absolutely clean and beautiful from outside but as you spend more time with them you get to know that they are one of the most vulnerable kind of person when it comes to nature and behavior. So, its never a good idea to judge a person based on their first impression instead its always good to take time, observe and then make a perception about anyone. And also as many people say that first impression is everything then for that you should work on yourself to represent your true self and not what societal norms wanted you to be.

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